It’s over

AP exams have ended and students are feeling as if they were not worth the stress


Grace Nickas

AP testing has ended and has left students feeling relieved yet frustrated over the fact that the tests are lacking importance due to stress and being forced to miss school in order to take a test.

The two weeks of late night cram sessions, three hour exams and insane levels of stress has ended. AP testing is over.

Students have spent the last few weeks taking exams for all of the AP classes they are enrolled in and it has been a long two weeks.

Taking these exams requires students to miss three or four of their classes for each exam, which only adds to the stress of the weeks. They must make up tests and catch up on all the notes and work they missed.

Many students are still trying to catch up on all of the work that they have missed and most students do not feel as if the exams were actually worth it.  

“If I do well, the exams will be worth it, but if I don’t they were just a waste of time,” Sophia Vahsholtz, junior, said. “Some of the tests were actually worth it but other tests served no purpose for me to take them.”

The added stress of missing classes, the lack of significance of the tests and the very small chance of actually getting the college credit is only harmful to the mental state of students and it causes them to perform worse on the test as they are too stressed to perform properly.

Students are left feeling frustrated and forced about testing rather than feeling confident and prepared to get a good score on the exam.

“I’m very relieved testing is over,” Megan Talbert, junior, said. “Economics was worth it because I think I will get college credit for the class, but classes like physics where the test was really hard it was frustrating to have to miss school just to take that test.”