After Wednesday’s TRL Choir Festival, the WLHS Symphonic Choir is moving on to state. The team competed at Clackamas High School with an 18-minute set in which they scored an 86 average (83 was needed to qualify for state).
“We were so loud and confident,” Parker Kilstrom, sophomore, said. “We were kinda relaxed and weren’t that tense because we had a while until we performed.”
The choir had to wait a couple of hours to perform, passing the time by standing backstage and watching some of the other performances.
“We sat in on some of the other choirs. It was kind of mellow. We were at Clackamas High School, so it wasn’t like we were going to some foreign, outlandish place,” Madison Walters, sophomore, said. “Everybody was really friendly [while waiting to perform].”
The choir scored better than it has all year. It also improved from last year’s scores at the TRL festival by several points.
“It was exciting. It was awesome. Everyone was freaking out when we found out we qualified,” Cassie Whiteley-Ross, sophomore, said.
The state competition will be held on May 9-11 at George Fox University in Newberg.
“We have some stuff to work on, but I think, as a whole, we’re going to do really well,” Walters said. “Even if we don’t win, we’re definitely going to be a really great representative for what WLHS is all about.”
For more information on the state competition, see: http://www.osaa.org/choir/
To watch WLHS Symphonic Choir’s performance, see: http://mediacast.wlwv.k12.or.us/tight_url.cfm/URLID/100206