• Amarou Yoder

  • Raul Millan

Ms. Eseppi

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: “I am a big tap dancer, I have been tap dancing ever since I was in fourth grade. I am part of  a performance group, we perform at nursing homes and occasionally we put on our own performances. I also really like skiing in the winter and I’ve recently started playing tennis with my fiance, I’m not very good at it but it gets me out.”

Q: What do you love most about teaching?

A: “Getting to know the kids and the other teachers, I learn so much about the students and they bring so much, I enjoy interacting with them, obviously I’m very sarcastic and especially at the high school level you guys get it so it’s fun.”

Q: Did you want to become a teacher when you were younger?

A: “Yeah! Actually in second grade I had this awesome teacher who helped me read, I was way behind in my reading skills and between her and my mom she really helped me catch up so it really impacted me, I always enjoyed learning so I just want to share my passion.”  

Q: What’s your favorite place to travel to?

A: “My favorite place I traveled to is probably Granada Spain, I studied abroad there and being there for four months I really got to understand the culture, I got to see a lot being there for an extended period of time.”

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