Get to know the new staffers

WLHSnow welcomes savvy student journalist contributors. Check out these Q&As.

Aleks Brooks
Alex Bischel
Haven Lee

Katherine Stallard

Aleks Brooks, Staff Reporter

Q:What Did You Over The  Summer? A: I didn't really have an eventful summer this year but it was really nice to chill out and hang out with my friends and im a senior this year so its kinda like you have one more summer so you got to make it count.   Q:What was your least favorite thing you did over the summer? A:My least favorite thing I did over the summer is stress about c...

Nikki Maly

Emily Ebsen

Nikki Maly, Staff Reporter

Q: “What grade are you in this year?” A: “I am a freshman”   Q: “Has it been scary or confusing?” A: “Not really, I thought i was going to   be lost around the school but I ended up being fine. I found my way to all my classes.”   Q: “What was the most exciting thing you did this summer?” A: “I went to the beach a couple times, then I went...

Anna Strobbe

Matilda Milner, Staff Reporter

Q: Did you go on any vacations out of town or out of state this summer? A: I didn't go out of state, but I did go to a camp that was really fun, which is in the bend area. Q: Now, is Creekside [the camp Anna attended] through a religious organization? A: Yeah, it's a christian camp, but if you aren't christian they still welcome you and teach you about it... You don't have to be christian, b...

Sam Misa

Alex, Bischel

Q: “What are your common hobbies?”  A:”Football, I’ve been playing since 5h grade, and I now play for the high school freshmen team. I’ve been interested since 3rd grade, but my parents would insist i would get hurt. I’ve never had a serious long term injury, but i get the wind knocked out of me all the time. I might be playing track this school year too. I just became intereste...

Bryce Cumpston

Haven Lee, Staff Reporter

Q: Did you enjoy your summer? A: “I did enjoy my summer, quite a bit.”   Q: Did you go anywhere? A: “Yeah, I went to Europe, and then I went to Utah.”   Q: Where did you go in Europe? A: “...Started in England, then France, and then Switzerland...then through Liechtenstein into Austria, and then a day in Italy, and then Germany.”   Q: What was your...

Abigail Minch

Hallie Byzewski, Staff Reporter

Q: Did you travel over the summer? A: “ ...I went to Mexico for a week to was really hot it was like in the 90s but it felt like 107...we just went swimming a lot, we went to the beaches and walked around the two towns.”   Q: What did you enjoy the most about summer? A: Speaking about Mexico; “ I enjoyed it for a little while, but after some time I was ready to go home”   Q: Did you ha...

Aaronette Vonleh

Maygan Adams, Staff Reporter

Q: What’s your full name? A: Aaronette Noelle Vonleh Q:Was there anything that was especially fun for you during the summer? A:Well I traveled for basketball so it was fun to get out of Oregon for a while. I went to California with my whole team, we practiced a lot but it was fun to explore and walk around and get closer over the summer we’re all like sisters now and I’m really looking...

Matilda Milner

Anna Strobbe, Staff Reporter

Q:What does a day after school look like to you? A: I can be really busy with homework because I take an AP class and I also have to keep up with  hobbies such as writing, hanging out with friends and going to dance four days a week in Sellwood. Q:how long have you danced for? A:6or7 years. I used to dance competitively for Van De Veere, but now I just do it for fun Q:what are your ...

Maygan Adams

Aaronette Vonleh, Staff Reporter

Q:  What is your full name?   A: Maygan Kealani Adams  Q: What are your goals for this year A:Well I’m taking an AP class so I’m hoping to pass that and all my other classes but most of my focus will be on my AP class. I also hope to do very well in all my other classes and try and get a 3.8 GPA by the end of HS because I would like to be a Doctor and to be a Doctor ...

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