Aubrey “Drake” Graham and Jahron Anthony Brawthiwite, or PARTYNEXTDOOR, have been good friends since their early 20s, and have been on the same label, October’s Very Own (OVO), ever since. Both have been on top of billboard lists and people’s favorite artists since OVO started.
Drake released his latest studio album “For All The Dogs” on Oct. 6, 2023. PARTYNEXTDOOR returned in April 2024, with “PARTYNEXTDOOR 4,” featuring 3 top 30 billboard songs including “M a k e i t t o t h e m o r n i n g” at number eight, “N o c h i l l” at 21, and “L o s e m y m i n d” at 30.
Drake and PARTYNEXTDOOR have done multiple songs together,, such as “Come and See Me,” “Recognize,”, “Members Only,”and more, but have never actually collaborated with each other on an album.
“$$$ 4 U” will be Drake’s third major collaborative album, following “What a Time to Be Alive” with Future and “Her Loss” with 21 Savage.
Back in August, Drake announced that he and PARTYNEXTDOOR would collaborate.
“On Behalf of me and Party, we’ve been working on something for y’all. So, y’all get summer over with, do what you need to do. I know all you girls are outside, and when it gets chilly, a PARTYNEXTDOOR and Drake album will be waiting for you.” Drake said.
And on October 8th, Drake mentioned the collaboration again.
“Shoutout my brother PX [PARTYNEXTDOOR]. Album coming soon.”
In September, PARTYNEXTDOOR was asked about his favorite songs with Drake.
“The 15 we are doing right now,” he told reporters.
When “$$$ 4 U” comes out on Feb. 14, there will be 23 total albums created between both Drake and PARTYNEXTDOOR.