Red Cross blood drive set to arrive Feb. 8
By now West Linn high school students are familiar with the semi-annual routine of hosting a blood drive. So it may come as no surprise to see the gymnasium filled with blood bags and vials, while students are dispersed throughout the room. The Red Cross Blood Drive is yet again coming to WLHS and providing students with the opportunity of saving up to three people’s lives.
WLHS’s Red Cross Club has been recruiting students to donate for almost three weeks, filling the donor list to the max. However if wanted students may still sign up to be put on the waitlist.
Students who wish to donate must be 17 years old, or 16 with consent from their parents. There is also a weight requirement of 110 lbs. Red Cross also asks that if you are sick or have been lately, to refrain from donating. For more requirements visit
It is important to be aware of the possible risks that come with donating, according to Red Cross. Some students may experience dizziness, headaches, lightheadedness, stomach aches and/or fatigue. As a result there is the possibility of fainting and/or throwing up after or during the donation. To help avoid these symptoms it is recommended to have a good night’s sleep the night before and to eat a healthy meal before donating.
After the donation process, sandwiches, snacks and drinks are available. If your blood is meets requirements then it will be used for transfusions for anything from car accident victims to cancer patients to people with blood disorders.
If you meet the requirements and are thinking about donating talk with club president, Anna-Maria Hartner, senior, or any of the Red Cross Club members. There are also sign up on the sheets spread throughout the school.
Your donation will support the student journalists of West Linn High School. Your contribution will allow us to continue to produce quality content by purchasing equipment, software, and continuing to host our website on School Newspapers Online (SNO).

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