Andrew Bossen, Videographer
Seeing Andrew Bossen, senior, at first glance, likely wearing his New Balance sneakers, Levi’s and Columbia jacket, the words “Hollywood star” don’t exactly come to mind. He looks just like any average high school male. Judging solely by his appearance, one would most likely assume that he is a fairly boring person, but that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Andrew has a unique desire to become a filmmaker.
“I love the art of making movies,” Bossen said. “I see it as a way to share my ideas and thoughts with the world.” Bossen hopes to someday work as a Hollywood director, and is doing anything in order to make it happen. In addition to taking private film classes on Saturdays with local filmmaker, Ira Flowers, creating multiple short films on his own, and helping to start up West Linn’s own Broadcast team last year, he has now joined the Amplifier team in order to get even more video production practice.
“I joined journalism in order to get my creative juices flowing,” Bossen said. “It’s a great opportunity to practice on my video and editing work and have it be seen by my peers.” Though he is comfortable with writing, he wants to focus on improving on his cinematography and editing skills.
“I’ve written many scripts in the past couple years and I feel confident as a writer,” Bossen said. “I’m hoping that journalism will help me work on the areas of filmmaking that I haven’t had as much practice with.” He sees journalism as a logical step to becoming a filmmaker, as many of the core concepts of making journalistic video stories apply to making feature films as well.
Although Bossen understands that success isn’t always easy to come by in the film industry, he is willing to work to see his dreams come true. “It might not be the most practical job in terms of job security, but I feel like it is something I have to do, and I will try my best to make sure that I end up doing what I love.”