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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Jenny Reynolds

Jenny Reynolds, WLHSnow Staff

As an aspiring author, Jenny Reynolds, senior, has always had a passion for writing. In her sophomore year she started writing her first book  for National Book Writing Month.  “Telling stories fuels my love, I love the fact that I can create my own world, and it can be available to anyone who wishes to enter it” Reynolds said. After watching her twin sister Jessie Reynolds, senior be apart of the WLHS Now staff, Reynolds knew she would want to join. “The environment is so fun and I’m excited to be apart of Amplifier this year,” Reynolds said.

Jenny Reynolds is new to WLHSnow staff. Reynolds is a professional daydreamer that is interested in learning about the world around her, as well as creating her own on paper.

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Jenny Reynolds