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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Morgan Johnson

Morgan Johnson, Staff Writer

A walk with her dog and a shower wakes up Morgan Johnson, freshman, right away every morning at 6 a.m. She then will move on to breakfast and making her lunch for school. She has her eyes on the future, yet she doesn’t know what that future is. All Morgan knows is that her ambition and motivation will get her somewhere in life. 

“My education is one of the things I value most,” Johnson said. She is academically driven and excited to face the new challenges of high school will bring. She doesn’t necessarily love school, but she knows that her hardwork and determination will pay off. 

“Journalism was a mix of things I enjoy,” she said. “It includes photography, writing and some technology”. 

She said Journalism was not at the top of her forecasting sheet, yet she is still thrilled that she is here and learning a new thing every second. Whether it is a simple computer trick or a whole new lesson, Johnson is here to learn. She wants to go out of her comfort zone and try new things. 

“I hope to find new passions and interests through this class,” Johnson said, “Life is full of surprises and I’m ready for them.” 

All content by Morgan Johnson
In the Main Office, this is the Calm Room. Students can come here to take a break, pray, or do anything else they need to do to calm down. “We needed an additional space to help support students,” Annie Kaiser, student leadership advisor, said. Funds from the Class of 2019 helped purchase the paint and new furnishings for the room.

What are the counselors doing for you?

Morgan Johnson, Staff Reporter
January 29, 2020

In the U.S., the rate of high school-aged youth considering and committing suicide continues to rise, according to Child Trends. There has been a 33% suicide increase for 15 to 19-year-old students since...

Inside the mind of a seventh grader

Morgan Johnson, Staff Reporter
December 4, 2019

Noah Johnson talks about his school life as a seventh-grader attending Rosemont Ridge Middle School. He also touches on his life outside of school, like playing video games and hanging out with friends....

Cheers fill the stands as the Lions score their third goal against the Central Catholic Rams. The score is now 3-1.

Cheers fill the stands as the Lions score their third goal against the Central Catholic Rams. The score is now 3-1.

Go Fish! At the Homecoming Carnival, GSA creates a fun, inclusive game booth.

GSA creates safe space

Morgan Johnson, Staff Reporter
October 14, 2019

“I get called slurs, like in the hallways,” Susie Walters, senior and President of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance, said. The impact of bullying on queer youth is to not be taken lightly. According to...

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Morgan Johnson