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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Gracie Cao

Gracie Cao, Yearbook Editor-In-Chief

Gracie Cao is an avid rugby player and yearbook editor. She devotes herself and her time to her extracurriculars. She loves her team and “the community behind the sport.” Rugby is not a common sport, but according to Cao, that fact helps build bonds among the teammates, both on and off the field. Two of Cao’s best friends are on the team, and she “wouldn’t have them without [rugby].”

Cao is also copy editor for the school yearbook. “I love writing editing other people’s work as well as writing my own, and I love knowing that it will be published for the school to see.” Cao says that even though being in such a high position on the staff is stressful, it turns out to be worth it.

All content by Gracie Cao
Designed by Philip Chan

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Gracie Cao