Nick Olson, Staff Reporter
Nick Olson, tenth grader, was captivated by the idea of being on the Amplifier since the eighth grade, when representatives from the high school staff came and talked to his class. Olson consulted his eighth grade english teacher, Mr. Sandell, to learn more about the class. Mr. Sandell then recommended that he could bypass Journalism I and move straight into Journalism II, and later perhaps join the West Linn Amplifier team.
As a high schooler, staying organized has not been a challenge so far Olson, “I am organized in my head and at school,” he said. “But I’m unorganized when I get home in my own space.” Olson strives to achieve his academic goals. His pastimes and interests include gaming, calligraphy, soccer and computer building. During the summer he attended camp, Portland and Chicago Comic Cons, and went camping at Beverly Beach with his family. In addition he kept busy by listening to numerous audiobooks. His favorites include the “Mistborn” series, “The Complete Sherlock Holmes” series, and the “Evil Genius” series. Olson is also enticed with classic rock; influenced by his father and grandpa. After receiving his first iPod “The Beatles” album “One” became his favorite, his love for music grew from there to include such classic rock bands as Kansas and Queen. However Olson’s music taste isn’t limited to classics, he enjoys more contemporary bands, such as Pentatonix.
Olson is now looking forward to improving his writing techniques in both creative and journalistic practices. Creative writing started in the sixth grade and continued throughout his middle and high school career. Journalism is a big step, but Olson is ready to take it on.