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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Sophia Else, Editor

All content by Sophia Else
BOT OVERFLOW. The “Build a Robot” workshop wasn’t the only class working to program amazing creations. The “Dot-and-Dash” workshop shows off its creations, which fill the room with bright and familiar tunes. The “Soft Circuit” class showed off bags which blink and play electronic-sounding music. The room was filled with excited voices, various musical blurbs, and soft blinking lights every once in a while.

[Photo] ChickTech

Sophia Else, Editor
November 7, 2017

BOT OVERFLOW. The “Build a Robot” workshop wasn’t the only class working to program amazing creations. The “Dot-and-Dash” workshop shows off its creations, which fill the room with bright and...

Relaxing your mind

[Video] Relaxing your mind

Andrea Secchi, Editor
January 17, 2018

Preparing oneself for finals week isn't only limited to studying. These students chose to get ready for finals by relaxing their mind. "Yoga can be really relaxing, it helps me rid my stress for finals,"...

Boys soccer print photo

[Photo] Season ends in overtime loss

Samuel Misa, WLHSnow Staff
December 1, 2017

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Sophia Else