Sam Brown and Logan Bryck, seniors, win music scholarships

Seniors Logan Bryck and Sam Brown plan to follow their passion for music in college next year. They have been awarded scholarships to Oregon State University and the Oberlin College and Conservatory.

Rhythm and precision come together in a symphony when Sam Brown and Logan Bryck, seniors, follow their passion playing music. With the help of scholarships, they will be following that passion in college.

Brown plays both the euphonium and the trombone and has accepted a scholarship of $4,000 to Oregon State University. Bryck plays French horn and has accepted a scholarship to Oberlin College and Conservatory.

Oberlin College and Conservatory is a part of the Ivy League of music, in the same stratosphere as Juilliard. Kevin Egan, band teacher, has been a mentor to Bryck all four years of Bryck’s high school career and is proud of Bryck’s accomplishments. “ I’m happy he’s pursuing music and that Oberlin feels like a good fit,” Egan said. “He’ll be pushed to the highest level.”

To be offered the scholarship, Bryck went through a tedious process that lasted months. It started out with an application to be invited to audition, then another audition to be admitted. Bryck started his musical career in middle school, when he picked up a French horn and tried it for the first time.

Brown also started in middle school by beginning to play the euphonium. In high school he picked up the trombone. The scholarships offered to the two are a result of the countless hours spent practicing and performing.

“I practice my scales for two hours a day,” Brown said.

The two brass instrument players plan to major in music, but Brown is also studying to teach and perform music. “I get to choose what music I play, which I like,” Brown said.