The Computer Programming Club is a re-established club that offers students who are interested in coding or want to learn how to code. The club focuses on an additional competitive side to programming, and provides a place to learn how to code.
Ajay Shah, junior, is co-president for the Computer Programming Club.
“One part [of the club] is learning how to code and getting a bunch of people interested in coding. The other part of it is the competitive part,” Shah said. “So you’re competing against other people that [are] around your skill level and trying to solve coding problems the quickest.”
Last school year, the club was called the Computer Science Club and was run by previous seniors. Once the seniors had graduated, this year’s club leaders re-established the Computer Science Club to become the Computer Programming Club.
Drew Phipps, senior, joined the club last year and was one of the leaders to help organize the club this year.
“[In the club] we focus [more] on competition versus actual normal kind of coding, which normally is not competitive,” Phipps said. “But with competitive coding, you will find that you’ll grow a lot more through competing with other people.”
With this new system of learning, Shah hopes this can draw in more people to the club with the rise of computer programming and make sure those who enjoy programming will have fun with it and won’t have to have the pressure of a grade when competing with others.
“I think computer programming and just coding in general is being taken up by a lot of students nowadays,” Shah said. “So giving students that club to do that, and to compete and have fun while doing it.”
The club meets every Friday during lunch in B206 and is always accepting new members. For more information, follow their Instagram: @wlhscompetitiveprogramming, visit their website, join their google classroom (google classroom code: yofuexl), or contact their adviser Brandon Smith (smithb@wlwv.k12.or.us).