Help wanted from WLHS students to clean up Willamette Park softball fields

High school students have the opportunity to earn money while helping the community with local softball fields

Brittany Park

The West Linn High School Softball teams are searching for students who would be interested in cleaning up fields for the softball tournaments hosted at the Willamette Park softball fields. The first tournament will be the weekend of April 25.

Coaches for the West Linn High School softball teams are searching for high school students interested in being paid to clean up the three softball fields at Willamette Park, in order to prepare for the eight softball tournaments which will be held there this year.

Coach George McKelvey is in charge of the home softball fields used by the team. He came up with the idea of using students to help clean up the fields.

“Each year, the fields need a lot of work after winter,” McKelvey said. “The city doesn’t cover the cost of all of the clean-up, and often it is left to the coaches and players to take care of the fields.”

There is a lot of work to be done there, so it can be difficult for coaches and players to take care of all of it themselves before games and tournaments. According to McKelvey, this would be a great opportunity for high school students to earn a little money and help the community.

The work required of students will include smoothing all three fields and chalking the lines on the fields on Friday and Saturday evenings before each day of the tournaments. Students would also have to be at the fields for a couple hours on those Saturdays and Sundays to re-chalk the fields between games. This job also will require the ability to travel to and from Willamette Park softball fields a few times during the weekends.

The first tournament weekend will be April 25, and finish at the end of June.

Students interested may reach McKelvey at