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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Kenneth Whitbey, Reporter

Kenney Whitbey, sophomore, is a native Oregonian who enjoys listening to rap music, reading on his Kindle, practicing various sports, and playing intramural basketball with his friends. He has a brother and a sister and two dogs named Tater Tot and Tilly. His favorite subject is AP U.S. History, because it’s fascinating to him and he likes to learn why things happen. He says that as a kid you are told what people want you to believe, but in APUSH he learns the truth. He would like to pursue a career in medicine or business, but is leaning more towards medicine. He wanted to be in journalism because he likes to write, it looks good on college applications, and he likes that the class is laid back and with freedom to choose what he wants to write.

All content by Kenneth Whitbey
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Need ideas for Father’s Day? Check out these ideas to make it a perfect day for dad

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Kenneth Whitbey