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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Cynthia Yoder

Cynthia Yoder, Staff Reporter

All content by Cynthia Yoder
Movie cover for “Knock at the Cabin” released Feb. 3, 2023

Never trust a knock on your cabin door

Cynthia Yoder, Staff Reporter
March 7, 2023

One of 2023's most anticipated horror movies, “Knock at the Cabin,”premiered in theaters last month. The movie takes us to a remote cabin in the woods, where four strangers take a young girl and her...

Pictured here is Jake Frazier, senior, who manages the drug drop-off event.

[Photo] Community drug drop-off

Justine Pashley, Assistant Social Media Editor
February 22, 2023

Pictured here is Jake Frazier, senior, who manages the drug drop-off event.

Students opt in or out of various trends throughout the winter season.

[Photo] How far will you go to take part in a trend?

Justine Pashley, Assistant Social Media Editor
February 16, 2023

Students opt in or out of various trends throughout the winter season.

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Cynthia Yoder