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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Sarah Heiden

Sarah Heiden, WLHSnow Editor

All it took was one movie for Sarah Heiden, senior, to fall head over heels in love with journalism. That movie was “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” because it showed her the beauty of photojournalism.

“ I found the idea of photojournalism exciting, and truthful. I began researching how to get involved in journalism at the end of my freshman year,” Heiden said.

Led by her love for the magazine National Geographic, she applied to become a member of the community Nat Geo Your Shot. The community gave her opportunities to share her photos with other photographers and receive direct constructive criticism.

“Through that program I was able to share my photography with other people in the community and get feedback, which was really cool,” Heiden said.

Driven by her growing interest and passion for journalism, Heiden looked for a way to get involved in it at the high school. Eventually, she was introduced to WLHSnow and joined the journalism one and broadcast journalism class in her junior year.

“I like journalism because it involves writing, exploring new topics, and delivering the truth,” Heiden said.

In her free time, she enjoys experimenting with different art mediums and acting as a member of the Thespian Troupe.

“ I am taking AP Studio Art this year, which I am really enjoying,” Heiden said. “ I am also a member of the Thespian Troupe, I enjoy acting and singing.”

She also makes time to surf and tries to go surfing on the weekends with her friends when the weather is nice.

In the future, Heiden hopes to study journalism and eventually become a photojournalist. But for now, she’s looking forward to the year with WLHSnow as an editor.

“I love helping with WLHSnow and the Amplifier, and I am excited that this year I will be able to help even more as an Editor,” Heiden said.

All content by Sarah Heiden
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Sarah Heiden