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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Checking the three bee boxes at Crest Farms, senior Andrea Swenson and juniors Sarah Martin and Tahnna Shaaban wait to inspect the hive. Crest Farms in Wilsonville offers a Beekeeping class for students to learn about bees and allowing them to work directly with nature.

Saving the Bees

Emily Martin, Green & Gold Yearbook Editor in Chief
April 25, 2018
On a shuttle field trip to Browns Ferry Park in Tualatin, the AP Environmental Science class learns about native plants. Jim Hartmann, AP Envi Sci teacher, hold up a plant the students are trying to identify. The class is in a plant and bird identification unit and takes to the outdoors to learn plant and bird names.

Identifying the Outdoors

Emily Martin, Yearbook Editor in Chief
October 5, 2017
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AP Environmental Science