Rosemont Outdoor School comes to an end

The first week of middle school outdoor school wraps up

Madison Montgomery

Sixth graders at Trickle Creek Outdoor School learn about animals in the Northwest. High school counselors practiced their teaching skills.

Juniors and seniors put their responsibilities to the test during a week of being Outdoor School counselors for Rosemont Ridge Middle School. From March 15 to March 19, sixth graders at Rosemont either visited Cedar Ridge in Vernonia, Ore. or Trickle Creek in Salem, Ore. for their Outdoor School experience.

Madison Montgomery and Gillian White, known as Sharkie and Echo, juniors, were counselors at Trickle Creek. With about 10-15 students in each cabin, they had their hands full. Although they enjoyed the students, adjusting their ways of communicating was difficult. Instead of talking as if they were talking with high schoolers, White and Montgomery realized that sixth graders don’t always understand phrases that a high schooler might. Dealing with feelings that are a part of being young was another challenge.

“The hardest part was dealing with homesickness,” White said. “I can cheer up a high schooler but I had to handle it differently with sixth graders.”

Besides having to adjust to age differences, counselors had to prepare to take on the role of a teacher. Montgomery was responsible for teaching about animals that specifically live in the Northwest. She enjoyed the teaching experience.

Although changes and preparation had to happen, White and Montgomery both have positive words to say about Outdoor School.

“The best part was being around students who had amazing personalities,” Montgomery said. “Each camper brought their own style to the cabin which made the experience more memorable.”

Montgomery and White both attended Outdoor School when they were sixth graders and were glad to be able to share their experience with sixth graders this year.

White wishes she had brought more warm clothes for the unpredictable weather, but agrees with Montgomery about repeating the experience next year.

“I am planning on coming back next year for sure,” White said.