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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Raina Schutz

Raina Schutz, Reporter

Walking the streets of Japan, Raina Schutz, freshman, admired the new atmosphere and her international adventure over the summer. Schutz was in awe of the scenery and the cultural difference. Being exposed to something extremely new, Schutz found it eye opening to meet new people and learn about their culture.

“Everything was so beautiful, the parks were so fun and there was never a single moment that I was bored with looking around,” Schutz, said.

Through this culturally diverse experience, Schutz has found a new appreciation for the people around her. Through a foreign exchange program in Hood River, Schutz had the opportunity to take a trip to Japan with a group of kids her own age. She was exposed to the city  and faced everyday life with a host family, such as observing the emphasis on manners between family members to show respect.

“You couldn’t slouch or lean against walls. They found it extremely disrespectful and a sign of being uninterested. We needed to stand tall and have good posture to show our appreciation,” Schutz said.

Schutz has also found a special appreciation for the people around her through her move from Lake Oswego to West Linn. Between elementary school and middle school, Schutz was given the option to transfer to the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. She has found herself become more comfortable with her new friends and more welcomed by the West Linn community. She feels fortunate to have found close and welcoming friends during her transition and graduation into high school.

“Everyone is so much nicer here in West Linn, the people are so much more welcoming and friendly,” Schutz said.

Her trip to Japan also shows that Schutz is well-rounded. She has many different interests and loves trying out new things.

Between being busy with friends and extracurricular activities such as co-ed soccer, snow boarding and dance; Schutz has made goals for herself to achieve in order to start her high school year off successfully. She plans to achieve a B in every class and looks forward to facing the challenges in Biology. Schutz looks forward to acting and journalism the most.

“Journalism and acting are my favorite because it’s really fun and has a relaxed environment without any tedious homework.” Schutz said.

Schutz plans to participate in video and write in the Opinion section specifically. Over the course of this year, she hopes to become a better writer and looks forward to seeing her writing on the school website.

All content by Raina Schutz

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