The sky’s the limit
Associated Student Body sets lofty goals for years to come
To prepare decorations for class porches and spirit week, ASB and the sixth period leadership class work together. School spirit events like these are carefully planned by ASB to help make students’ high school more exciting.
October 17, 2016
In the past, ASB has planned proms, dances and spirit weeks but this year, ASB intends to plan events that will focus on celebrating diversity and impacting the whole community.
“I feel like ASB’s been just a group of glorified event planners,” Tristan Waits, senior and president of ASB, said. They’ve already planned a spirit week to celebrate cultural diversity.
“We’ve started planning out events to raise awareness on the diversity everyone has in cultural experiences,” Beloved Ulinwa, ASB senior officer, said. In addition to cultural pride week, ASB intends to turn the high school into a green school by installing solar panels and switching to an energy-efficient lighting system. But ASB emphasizes this is something to be worked on for approximately the next four years and isn’t meant to be accomplished by the end of this year.
“It’s not realistic to become a green school by the end of the year,” Waits said.
ASB meets every Wed. during lunch to brainstorm new ideas like these. Those ideas are then sent to Anne Kaiser, the ASB advisor and the 6th period leadership class to check if they are events students would enjoy. Once the the event idea is run through students, a cost-analysis presentation is given to school administrators.
“We just keep shoving ideas through,” Waits said. “We have to do a lot of research and prepare a cost analysis presentation.”
But all of the work involved to plan a successful event is for one reason.
“We want to embrace everyone and make sure every student have a good year,” Ulinwa said.