Paws permissible and eyeblacks endorsed

Eyeblacks and paw prints are acceptable at games this fall, but paint that covers the entire face poses a safety issue


Last week, the rumor that administration had placed restrictions on facial decorations and decals worn to football games and other sporting events circulated. The facts are somewhat different.

“If [students] have a small yellow paw print on their cheek, then it’s not going to be an issue,” Kevin Mills, assistant principal, said. “Anytime we have games with facepaint, we don’t want it to cover the whole face and make it so we can’t recognize who the student is.”

Also rumored was that the new regulations apply exclusively to black face paint– this is not the case.

“It’s really not just because it’s black face paint,” Mills said. “Really any type of face paint –whether it’s black, whether it’s green, whether it’s yellow– when it’s covering your whole face, is more a safety issue. Our new arrangements help us with supervision.”

Administration still supports and upholds the student body’s spirit for sports teams and is thankful for students’ compliance with new rules.

“We appreciate the flexibility you guys have with some of our limitations we put on, and you guys always find ways to be supportive even though we have some of those limitations,” Mills said.