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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Mallory Cooper

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor

Mallory Cooper, sophomore, is the Lifestyle Editor and Facebook Editor for wlhsNOW. This is her second year of journalism, and ever since enrolling she has found a love for writing articles. When not writing stories, she is either making jewelry or playing volleyball. Keep up with her lifestyle articles on

All content by Mallory Cooper
After an assembly shown to Oregon City High School students back in early February, the investigation has been opened up to the public.

Are we being heard now?

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
June 5, 2022

Feb. 22 in the Clackamas County Circuit Court an 18 year old senior under the pseudonym Jane Doe that attends Oregon City High School (OCHS) says allegedly that the school district affected her emotionally...

Title IX is a civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination for any educational program or activity that receives federal funding.

The Evolution Of Title IX

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
April 22, 2022

2022 is the 50 year anniversary of the Title IX law. This law was created to address situations like sexual harassment, sexual violence, or any discrimination or gender biased comments on educational benefits...

On Feb. 8, two Oregon City High School students walked out of their school and protested against their admin.

Can you hear us yet?

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
March 16, 2022

Earlier this year, Oregon City High School students walked out of their school in protest of a video shown at an assembly detailing information about a student abusing his now ex-girlfriend. Students from...

Amplifier preview: "Emotion behind the lyrics"

Amplifier preview: “Emotion behind the lyrics”

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
January 4, 2022

At the end of the first semester, the Amplifier will be releasing the first issue of the 2021-2022 school year. Two students; Avery Mickey, junior, and Tiffany Utley, sophomore; were interviewed about...

The 2021-2022 Science Fair has begun. Students Sienna Reiner, sophomore; Emily Newton, sophomore; and Dylan Englund, sophomore; are working on their research for their project.

[Photo] For the sake of the students

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
December 2, 2021

The 2021-2022 Science Fair has begun. Students Sienna Reiner, sophomore; Emily Newton, sophomore; and Dylan Englund, sophomore; are working on their research for their project.

The top five easiest ways to calm yourself when you are feeling stressed in school.

Five ways to relax your mind in five minutes

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
October 29, 2021

Being in school can cause a lot of stress, and you sometimes just need to relax and calm yourself down. Having multiple tests every week can become mentally draining. Having six classes at least four times...

This is a batch of feral foster kittens who were found in a bush on the side of the road in July 2017. They came in sick and were starving when they were brought into PAWS.

Starting a new chapter

Mallory Cooper, Lifestyle Editor
October 15, 2021

Running a business is hard, especially when you are all alone. Sharon Murphy, the owner of North West Oregon Animal Alliance doing business as PAWS Animal Shelter, has been running PAWS for 22 years. This...

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Mallory Cooper