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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Cael Brunson

Cael Brunson, Social Media Manager

Cael is a senior and a second year journalism student with WLHSnow. Cael is a contributor as well as a social media manager. When not doing journalism work, Cael is largely into his wrestling career, as well as his love for competitive gaming. 


All content by Cael Brunson

Athletes tackle PowderPuff

Cael Brunson, Staff Reporter
February 4, 2019

Interview with my mother about my brothers, wrestling, disappointment, and success

Cael Brunson, Staff Reporter
February 3, 2019

I ask my mom how she reacted when my brother lost his first match at one of his first national tournaments, yet still came back to get third place. I interview her about the emotions felt and the relief...

What SafeOregon is and what they do

Cael Brunson, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2018

SafeOregon is an Oregon-based tip line launched in 2016 directed toward middle to high school level students. Its main purpose is for students to be able to report bullying, harassment, drug use and anything...

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Cael Brunson