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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Evan Mckinley

Evan Mckinley, Blogs Editor

Whether he’s searching for lost treasures, writing investigative articles for journalism, or simply working on a science project, Evan McKinley, junior, knows how to put effort in.

“I like to research lost treasures,” McKinley said. “Granted the odds that I’ll actually find and or keep anything are slim, but I think it’s fun to look at the old libraries and check the records of something. “Actually a few times I have charted out pretty much exactly where such and such gold allegedly is. That depends on if the gold exists, if it’s been carried away before, if I have a powerful enough metal detector and by far the most important, if I’m allowed to get to it.

Being able to get to the lost treasure proves time and time again to be a problem for McKinley.

“I was doing some research on this alleged pirate gold in Camp Westwind,” McKinley said, “and after doing a bunch of background research I managed to find a gold mine of information at the county historical museum where it turns out that it is pirate treasure of Sir Francis Drake. The only problem is that it’s private property and it’s under fifteen feet of wet sand. Good luck ever getting to that.”

McKinley once put so much effort into getting a single measurement for a science project that he and his father risked their lives.

“I’m apparently the only person who’s risked his life for a science fair project,” McKinley said. “My goal was measure the depth of a well in the ocean. The problem was that it had to be a low, preferably negative, tide, it couldn’t be on a school day because it’s about a three hour drive there and three hour drive back and it also had to be during daylight.

Even with all these restrictions, McKinley attempted this feat five times.

“First time I was sick and we couldn’t go at all,” McKinley said. “Second attempted time there was a storm surge making it too dangerous. Third time I got lots of data, but they were all drastically different measurements. The fourth time I idiotically screwed up and got the tide schedules for the wrong year.”

After these four failures, McKinley and his dad got ready for their fifth and final trip to the ocean.

“Fifth time, I go right up there,” McKinley said. “My dad was about ten feet in front of the well and I’m about ten feet behind him. I’m about to do the measurement when a giant wave hit the rocks, went up, and bashed into us.”

The wave that hit them was bad enough to badly injure them both.

“My dad pulled a huge muscle in his back,” McKinley said. “Thankfully he was wearing a life jacket. He sliced part of his hand open. I got bashed into a rock, landing on my knees, and the waves pushed me down and forward along the rocks. I had these slits on my knees.”

After all of this, McKinley still didn’t get the measurements he needed.

“Salt water was getting in our wounds a lot, it hurt a lot. I dropped the rope in the well, but I’m sure as not going back there. I’m willing to pay the price of a new rope and anchor if I don’t have to go back out there. So my dad offers to go out there and get one measurement by himself. He went back out there and everything went fine.”

Written by Aidan Whittemore

All content by Evan Mckinley
Performing pre-game setup, Andrew Callaghan, senior, tests the microphone. “I am a commentator and halftime reporter,” Callaghan said. “I’m trying to redesign the social media of our school. I’m live-tweeting the game.” Despite his duties, however, his clothing is the main thing for which he is known. “Everybody has their own little identities...Emily is the Team Mom. Dominic is the business guy...I am known as the Rick Astley guy.”

On the other side of the camera

Evan McKinley, Guest Writer
November 7, 2017

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Best high school in school district

Best high school in school district

Evan McKinley, Staff Reporter
June 19, 2017

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Tristan Waits, senior, and his Promposal poster for Katie Jones, senior. The poster includes the subtitle for May Day, “A Little Prom Never Killed Nobody.” This reflects how the theme for both Prom and May Day are The Great Gatsby. Despite this, however, the ASB has decided to focus more on the general theme of the 1920s, which I think is a good idea.

Gatsby and Daisy: the least healthy relationship since ever

Evan McKinley, Staff Writer
May 5, 2017

For the 97th year in a row, May Day went off more or less as planned. The theme this year was The Great Gatsby, but the celebration was focused more on the Twenties. The theme for Prom is also Gatsby,...

Mr West, English teacher, with the Thought Pot. During the week, students could put their original stories and drawings into the Pot, and Mr. West would read them to the class every other Friday. “The senior class voted on the Teacher of the Year,” Mr. West said. “I won twice. Both times they took a photo of me with the Thought Pot for the yearbook. That was my thing. But that thing is gone.”

44-year-old English class tradition ends

Evan McKinley
March 13, 2017

“My father created it in around 1973,” Mr. West said. “My mother made it. She took a potato chip tin, cut out pictures from magazines, and glued them on. He did it his entire career.” When...

Marine musical made magnificent by solitary student

Marine musical made magnificent by solitary student

Evan McKinley
March 3, 2017

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Republicans win majorities in Congress, Presidency...Supreme Court?

Republicans win majorities in Congress, Presidency…Supreme Court?

Evan Mckinley
November 9, 2016

In case you haven’t noticed, Donald Trump is now the President-Elect of the United States. The first result is, of course, that a Republican is President. The Republicans also retained control...

The original August 29, 1919, issue of the Oregon City Enterprise newspaper, announcing the planned opening of the new Union High School in West Linn. Note its original name, Union High School. Image credit Multnomah County Library, Historic Oregon Newspapers.

West Linn high school turns 97!

Evan McKinley
September 23, 2016

Happy Birthday, West Linn High School! On September 22nd, 1919 - exactly ninety-seven years ago, West Linn High School opened its doors to students for the first time ever. In 1919, Union High School...

FEMA drills for 9.0 earthquake – is WLHS ready?

Evan Mckinley, Staff Reporter
June 10, 2016

The test shelter built by Red Cross volunteers working with Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center. The volunteers are currently in the middle of simulating the aftermath of a 9.0 earthquake, as part of the...

City Council Recruits Student Advisors

City Council Recruits Student Advisors

Evan McKinley, Staff Writer
May 13, 2016

Want to learn more about how the city government works? Want to make your college application look even better and advise the West Linn City Council on issues that affect our demographic? Then look no...

Tricky question of the week: What would you do with invisibility?

Tricky question of the week: What would you do with invisibility?

Evan McKinley, Staff Writer
May 9, 2016

Happy Monday! I’m Evan McKinley, and it’s time for this week’s Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N! Send your answer to [email protected], and if it’s a good one, I’ll print it next week! Now, here’s...

Tricky question of the week: Time travel?

Tricky question of the week: Time travel?

Evan McKinley, Staff Writer
April 19, 2016

Happy Monday! I’m Evan McKinley, the editor for WLHSnow’s new feature, Questions Unique, Excellent, Stupendous, Tricky, Ingenious, Outstanding, and Nifty, or Q.U.E.S.T.I.O.N for short. Each Monday,...

Jon Ares, Performing Arts Technical Coordinator, is in charge of, among other things, maintaining the lights by “flying them in”: lowering them into reach. He posed for this picture while giving a tour of the backstage area.

The Backstage ‘Labyrinth’

Evan McKinley, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2015

You have seen the stage on your first day of freshman year. You see it from the outside five days a week, nine months a year. You probably saw it when you watched “Oklahoma!” or any other school play....

Rich Craghead has been working for the school full-time for ten years as of this fall. His current headquarters is the Custodial Office, home to tools, supplies and equipment.

Preventing the school from collapsing

Evan McKinley, Staff Reporter
October 6, 2015

Sandwiched between the Aux Gym and Student Street lies one of the most critical rooms in West Linn High School: the Custodial Office. “I just got my official ten years,” Rich Craghead, building...

The new Tilikum Crossing bridge launches its nightly LED light show

Evan McKinley, Staff Reporter
September 18, 2015

At precisely nine p.m. on the night of September 10, Portland’s newest bridge started its nightly light show. One hundred and seventy-eight LED lights spread out across forty bridge cables will illuminate...

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Evan Mckinley