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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Katherine Moller, Reporter

For Katie Moller, freshman, high school has been an entirely new experience for her; she believes that middle and elementary school cannot compare. Amplifier appealed as a “fun class and [the Amplifier staff] all enjoyed each other’s company,” Moller said.  Not only does she enjoy sharing her talents in writing, she also dedicates herself to soccer and constant social networking. To navigate through an average school day, Moller requires her binder, backpack and cell phone. However, to find her way through life, she values friendships, dedication and prioritizing. It does seem frightening to Moller to find out her own fortune, yet she has a feeling that success lies within her future. She hopes that she will be accomplished in everything she wants for herself. After she is satisfied with her deeds, she considers the prospect of having a family.

All content by Katherine Moller
Past promises, present disappointments: Society must set more realistic goals

Past promises, present disappointments: Society must set more realistic goals

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Madison Leek runs the course of life in track and soccer

Madison Leek runs the course of life in track and soccer

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Cell phones are becoming a positive aspect of the classroom

Katherine Moller
April 11, 2012

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Katherine Moller