Blood Drive collects 96 units to save 284 lives

After a large turnout, the Red Cross Club falls just short of 98-unit goal

Brittany Park

Isaac Wilkinson, senior, and Anna-Maria Hartner, junior and president of WLHS’s Red Cross Club, converse during the blood drive. The drive generated 96 viable units of blood that may save up to 284 lives.

Gurneys, vials, blood bags and red grip tape were dispersed throughout the main gymnasium on Oct. 22 as technicians operated the Red Cross Blood Drive and students lay down to donate blood. Throughout the duration of the effort, which lasted the length of the school day, 110 students donated blood.

“We had a lot of first-time donors this year,” Nikki Coleman, adviser and teacher, said. “I just think it’s really cool that people want to donate, especially at such a young age.”

This exceeded the turnout expectation of the Red Cross Club, according to Coleman. However, because units can become tainted or may not be filled to completion, some were discarded. After the discarding process, 96 total units remained, with the club falling short of its 98-unit goal.  The team is looking ahead to Feb. 25, the date of the next West Linn High School Blood Drive.  The team plans to promote this blood drive through a campaign involving posters and public announcements.

“I think we’ll do a lot better next [drive],” Coleman said. “Hopefully, we won’t have as many people turned away [from donating].”

Blood donors were impressed with student turnout and administration of the event.

“There were a lot of student volunteers who were very helpful and nice,” Ryan Kelly, senior, said. “Like a lot of volunteers, I wouldn’t have felt okay if I didn’t donate blood. Somebody needs it, and I can give it to them, so why not?”