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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Ethan Gill

Ethan Gill, Opinion Editor

Still yearning for more experience as a journalist, Ethan Gill, Junior, is back and ready to write.

“I greatly enjoyed being apart of journalism in my Sophomore year, so coming back was a really easy decision to make. I enjoyed the work, I enjoyed the experience I had gotten from that work and I loved working with my friends,” Gill said. In his Sophomore year he was the Co-Arts and Culture Section Editor. As a Junior he is now the Opinions Section Editor.

“I feel much more confident this year in comparison to last year. At the start of the year I was nervous and unsure of how much I belonged in the class, but after a while I really felt comfortable among my peers and I felt like they genuinely enjoyed having me around, which was very reassuring.” Gill said.

“I really hope that I can write more articles this year, and that I continue to enjoy the class. If you don’t enjoy the class you’re in, it gets much harder,” Gill said.

Gill still has a strong desire to tell fictional stories though, mainly in novels, comic books and cinema.

“Telling my stories is still my endgame,” Gill said. “And I feel like journalism is very helpful to my storytelling skills.”

All content by Ethan Gill
"Scoob!" is a boring but bearable re-imagining of the classic cartoon characters.

Nothing’s new Scooby-Doo

Ethan Gill, Co-Opinions Editor
May 27, 2020

It’s hard to successfully change the formula of “Scooby-Doo”. The tried and true serialized adventures of four young adults and their talking dog finding the logical reasons behind a “supernatural”...

"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is a unique look at the "Star Wars" universe.

Why “The Clone Wars” should be your next “Star Wars” fix

Ethan Gill, Co-Opinions Editor
May 22, 2020

“Star Wars”, despite the name, has always been against war. Even at its most subtle, it’s not that subtle. While it’s easy to see the anti-war message in films like “Rogue One”, or “The Last...

Give distance learning a chance

Ethan Gill, Co-Opinions Editor
April 28, 2020

Everybody has a different preferred learning style. Some people learn best from lectures. Some people do best with reading textbooks. Some swear by flashcards and some will promise the effectiveness of...

For no particular reason: horror (episode two)

For no particular reason: horror (episode two)

Ethan Gill and Remy Gottschling
March 6, 2020

  Welcome back to episode two of "For No Particular reason." In this episode Remy Gottschling and Ethan Gill are joined by Nolan Lampson and Aidan Erdahl as they discuss horror with an emphasis...

A minimalistic poster for the final installment of the Skywalker saga.

‘Rise of Skywalker’: Not with a bang but with a whimper

Ethan Gill, Co-Opinions Editor
February 19, 2020

  It’s never easy being the third film in a Star Wars trilogy. “Return of the Jedi” was forced to follow up the landmark piece of genre fiction that was “Empire Strikes Back,” and “Revenge...

Respect isn’t earned, it’s kept

Ethan Gill, Opinions Editor
December 19, 2019

Over Thanksgiving, as I did last year, I sat down with my father and we discussed how he goes about interacting with people of other generations. StoryCorps is a non-profit challenging people to capture...

Wray hands off the torch to Clothe by passing him her favorite books.

Goodbye Wray, hello Kloth

Ethan Gill, Opinions Editor
September 29, 2019

After completing her student teaching under Andy West, and over seven years of teaching here, Jessica Wray, English teacher, is leaving for Franklin High School in Southeast Portland. “I have a connection...

Hanson didn't start out at West Linn. He used to teach at the Royal Wolverhampton School in England.

Getting to know you: Paul Hanson

Ethan Gill, Opinions Editor
September 14, 2019

Paul Hanson, assistant principal to senior students, didn’t always plan to be a teacher. “Probably from high school through most of college I was planning on going into the health professions and...

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studios

‘Avengers: Endgame’

Ethan Gill, Opinions Editor
June 9, 2019

“Avengers: Endgame” is perhaps the greatest superhero film ever made, and also one marred with a few severe problems that would kill the quality of many other films. “Endgame” features massive...

A campaign sign for Jordan Ferris sits in a West Linn yard.

A quick look at the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board candidates

Ethan Gill, Assistant arts and culture editor
May 17, 2019

With the terms of two school board member set to end, a special district election will be held to elect new representatives to the soon to be vacant seats two and four on the West Linn Wilsonville School...

Get to know the new Arts and Culture editors

Get to know the new Arts and Culture editors

Remy Gottschling and Ethan Gill
March 12, 2019

For the second semester, new editors were chosen for wlhsNOW's individual sections. Remy Gottschling and Ethan Gill are proud to be the Editor and Assistant Editor of the Arts and Culture section and thought...

Who will take home the golden man? Find out Feb. 24. Image courtesy of ABC/Adam Rose. Used under Creative Commons license.

Oscar nominees are here

Ethan Gill, Assistant Arts and Culture Editor
February 20, 2019

  On Jan. 22, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences announced the nominees for the 2019 Oscars ceremony. Among these nominees were some first time nominees like Spike Lee, who received...

StoryCorps: life, encouragement and weird carpet stains

Ethan Gill, Assistant Arts and Culture Editor
February 8, 2019

Over Thanksgiving, I sat down with my father Geoffrey Gill to get some more information on his life as part of StoryCorps Great Thanksgiving Listen. In the interview, I finally learned how he truly...

On the move! With gear strapped on shoulders, and secured on carts, Kimberly Palacios, 10, and Zach Griffith, 11 move out to the media booth to set up the equipment.

Inside a night with the broadcast team

Ethan Gill, Staff Reporter
December 1, 2018

Telltale Games abruptly closes, leaving 200+ out of jobs

Ethan Gill, Staff Reporter
November 28, 2018

On Friday, Sept. 21, video game company Telltale Games, known for their episodic point-and-click adventures, announced that following a series of poor management choices, and declining sales, that...

Pictured: Jasper Benston and Aidan Erdahl

Oscar ‘gold’?

Ethan Gill, Staff Reporter
November 27, 2018

In an effort to save ratings, the Oscars are undergoing some new changes, including the Achievement in Popular Film Award, and the pushing of Technical Awards like Cinematography, Sound Mixing and the...

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Ethan Gill