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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Kara Steinberg

Kara Steinberg, Staff Reporter

Flipping through the creamy paper of the West Linn Tidings, Kara Steinberg, freshman, skimmed over her name. Immediately, her eyes ran back to the page, shocked as her very own name stared back at her. As a fourth grader, Steinberg knew that this was not going to be the last time her name would appear in the paper.

Her hunger for journalism only grew as Steinberg joined the wlhsNOW journalism team.

“Your voice is the loudest instrument you have,” Steinberg said. She has used her words in the past, but has never been able to get them out for the public to hear. Steinberg hopes that she can bring the knowledge of current events into the lives of the community.

Outside of class, Steinberg can be found at the dance studio. She is a competitive dancer at Dance Vision, in Oregon City, and is member of their performing company.

“Dancing is another way I am able to express myself,” Steinberg said. “The moment the music starts, the entire world falls away, and I am able to just be myself.”

Along with her love for dance, Steinberg has a passion for traveling the world. “I believe that experiencing other cultures is one way to make myself a well rounded person,” Steinberg said. She has spent a fair amount of time in foreign countries, exploring parts of the world that seem so distant from her hometown.

With her love for writing, Steinberg is confident that she’ll be able to impact the public and make them aware of the events taking place right outside of their doors. “Knowledge is powerful,” Steinberg said.  “Words are a pathway to knowledge.”

All content by Kara Steinberg

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