Seize the clay

Kaleigh Henderson

Students not in Clay and Animation might not know that the class has its own YouTube account where students post their projects. “It’s nice to get the student work out there in a public place,” Wind Lothamer, clay and animation teacher, said. “When kids do projects for me, they post it to my YouTube, which is neat because I can watch the projects and see what they did, but also friends, family, anybody else can look at it too.”

Lothamer’s students are the true masterminds behind the channel. “It’s all student-produced work, short stop-motion animation projects,” Lothamer said. “Most of the movies are three minutes or less. Most of them are probably around one minute.”

That means that anyone with one minute to spare can tune into the channel and see some of the latest projects by the Clay and Animation students. The channel is called Clay & Animation WLHS. There are over 800 videos uploaded, and the earliest projects date back to the start of 2015.

“There’s some really cool stuff we’re doing right now,” Lothamer said. “Probably next week you’ll see some of the coolest stuff.”