What’s Your Zodiac?

Match your birthday with the matching zodiac sign.


Want to find your zodiac symbol?

Match your birthday with the matching zodiac sign.

Then look up a picture and see what your zodiac looks like in constellation form!

This may be something to inspire your artwork and writing for Kaleidoscope’s “Christmas Star” challenge for December.

20th April-20th May: Taurus 

21st May-21st June: Gemini

21st June-22nd July: Cancer

23rd July-22nd August: Leo

23rd August-22nd September: Virgo

23rd September-22nd October: Libra

23rd October-21st November: Scorpio

22nd November-21st December: Sagittarius 

22nd December-19th January: Capricorn

20th January-19th February: Aquarius

20th February-20th March-Pisces

21st March-19th April: Aries