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The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


The independent student media site of West Linn High School


Camille Collier

Camille Collier, Editor-In-Chief

During eighth grade, young Camille Collier, senior, was in her language arts class taught by Graeme Sandell at Rosemont Ridge Middle School. While many eighth graders sit and stare at the wall not thinking about their futures, Collier was doing just the opposite. At this time, she had decided that she wanted to be a part of the Amplifier during her high school years.

“Mr. Sandell really aided my interest in writing,” Collier said. On the first day of freshman year, Collier walked into the Amplifier classroom and has worked her way to becoming the editor-in-chief. Over the past three years, Collier has made countless memories during her time in Amplifier.

“The obvious reason I love this class is because of the people,” Collier said. “The other staff members I have the privilege of working beside present different views and really work well as a cohesive whole. I am delighted that there is a group of teenagers out there as competent as the staff.”

Not only does Collier enjoy the people she is surrounded with, but the demanding environment that is the journalism world.

“I just love the sense of urgency that is journalism. Without it, it makes it kind of a bore so having to work feverishly to track down people to interview, write, edit, and upload a story is a really accomplished feeling.” Not only does she have an admiration and respect for her classmates, but they feel the same way about Collier.

“She’s a really funny and intelligent person,” Nicole Gray, senior, said. “Without a doubt she keeps everything and all of us in order.”

Collier stays busy not only with the Amplifier, but runs on the Varsity Cross Country Team along with taking four rigorous advanced placement classes that include AP English, AP Calculus BC, AP Chemistry and AP French. Collier has managed to stay highly successful with such a stressful workload by simply re-adjusting her mindset towards the classes.

“It’s one thing when you’re taking a bunch of hard classes in which you are not vested and have no interest,” Collier said. “It’s another when you actually feel privileged to study topics that intrigue and inspire you.” Collier’s one piece of advice is to “actually select classes that inspire even a little bit of your interest.”

With Collier’s strong academic success, she has been able to set herself up in a position to attend a highly elite university. She has set her goals high in hopes of studying microbiology. Collier isn’t just envisioning her college life, but her life after college and her career.

“I want to be really interested in my work, whichever specific endeavor I chose. I want to be in a place where I’m working hard and I’m feeling good about my hard work,” she said. “I want to have the mindset I do right now, which is that hard work doesn’t dissipate into despair and it eventually pays off.”

Collier doesn’t want to just have a “ho-hum, work 35 years then retire” kind of life. For her, life is more important than just sticking to daily norms. She wants to make a difference.

“Life is a journey and I don’t want to sit around and do nothing,” Collier said. I want to break barriers. I want to have an impact.”


All content by Camille Collier
WLHS journalism won an  unprecedented eight awards at the National Scholastic Press Association’s National Journalism Convention, including ninth place in the “Best in Show” yearbook competition. Attendees included Isabella Cao, sophomore, Andi Casad, junior, and Kate Walters, sophomore, Ann Breyne, Journalism Adviser, Brooke McKelvey, freshman, Rameen Ali, sophomore, Jake Nielson, freshman, Zach Steinberg, junior, Noah Clark, junior, and Glenn Krake, Yearbook Adviser.

WLHS “Green and Gold” yearbook places ninth at the National Journalism Convention

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
April 28, 2015

At the National Journalism Convention in Denver, Colo., Brooke McKelvey, freshman, sauntered into a vast ballroom of 100-150 journalism students, editors and editors-in-chief, poised with pens and pads...

Antonio Caballero and Cooper Hill, juniors, were killed in a fatal crash Saturday. Caballero played Intramurals Basketball while Hill played for the Varsity Lacrosse team.

Students are offered grief support today in the Forum

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
February 23, 2015

UPDATE: Caballero's memorial service will be held Feb. 24 from 7-9 p.m. at the Church of Grace at 4224 S.E. 62nd Ave. in Portland. His grave side service will be held Feb. 25 at the Lincoln Memorial Cemetery...

Chris and Cornelia Seigneur, parents of WLHS students Micki and Wesley Seigneur, juniors, were impacted by direct car contact on Friday, Jan. 9. While Chris is located at a Lake Oswego hospital, Cornelia is situated at home with fewer dominate injuries.

WLHS parents severely injured in vehicle collision

Camille Collier, Editor-In-Chief
January 20, 2015

West Linn High School parents Chris and Cornelia Seigneur were crossing Walling Way in West Linn, Ore. on Jan. 9 around 5:40 p.m. when a GMC Gold Yukon swerved from the center turn lane on Highway 43 and...

Lou Bailey, principal, announces he will leave WLHS

Lou Bailey, principal, announces he will leave WLHS

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
December 19, 2014

In July, Lou Bailey, principal, will leave West Linn High School to assume an administrative position at the Korea International School in Seoul, Korea. Bailey accepted the position last week. He informed...

Lois and Ward Cook ring bells in front of Arlington Club to solicit donations for the Salvation Army. They are accompanied by their dog Malka, whose name is Hebrew for “queen.” The married couple volunteer as Salvation Army rotary ringers every Friday for an hour-and-a-half.

A Holiday Jingle

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
December 18, 2014

Above the rustle of traffic and the mechanical chugs of passing trucks, Christmas bells resonate near the Portland State University park blocks as several Salvation Army ringers jingle their coin buckets,...

WLHS’s Hour of Code gives insight into the world of computer coding

WLHS’s Hour of Code gives insight into the world of computer coding

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
December 10, 2014

Students may have noticed posters taped to the walls around the school that display popular figures --Barack Obama and Chris Bosh, for example-- and their quotations about the advancement of technology....

Five cans, five dollars and five meals

Five cans, five dollars and five meals

Camille Collier, Editor-In-Chief
November 13, 2014

Today, a pyramid of multi-colored food cans, topped with a large paper replica of Campbell’s Condensed Soup, stands by the Media Center in the library. This visual serves to promote West Linn High School’s...

Students of Julie McDevitt, science teacher, wrote notes of encouragement after McDevitt’s dirt biking accident. This poster has been adapted for the “West Linn Strong” campaign, which encourages the WLHS community to overcome all challenges.

Julie McDevitt, science teacher, injured in dirt biking accident

Camille Collier, Editor-In-Chief
November 4, 2014

While on a dirt biking trip this weekend, Julie McDevitt, science teacher, sustained several injuries including a concussion and broken tibia. She was Life Flighted from her location and moved to a hospital...

Isaac Wilkinson, senior, and Anna-Maria Hartner, junior and president of WLHS’s Red Cross Club, converse during the blood drive. The drive generated 96 viable units of blood that may save up to 284 lives.

Blood Drive collects 96 units to save 284 lives

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
October 24, 2014

Gurneys, vials, blood bags and red grip tape were dispersed throughout the main gymnasium on Oct. 22 as technicians operated the Red Cross Blood Drive and students lay down to donate blood. Throughout...

Jacob Stoneking, recent WLHS graduate, loses battle to brain cancer

Jacob Stoneking, recent WLHS graduate, loses battle to brain cancer

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
October 17, 2014

Jacob Stoneking, Class of 2014, passed away yesterday evening. Re-diagnosed with brain cancer this February, Stoneking was told by doctors that there were no medical treatments they could offer. The...

Paws permissible and eyeblacks endorsed

Paws permissible and eyeblacks endorsed

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
September 30, 2014

Last week, the rumor that administration had placed restrictions on facial decorations and decals worn to football games and other sporting events circulated. The facts are somewhat different. “If...

Josh Winicki, mathematics teacher, discusses his reasons for leaving WLHS and taking a position at WWHS. He estimates that he will take leave by the end of the month.

Josh Winicki, mathematics teacher, takes leave of WLHS after a year of service

Camille Collier, Editor-In-Chief
September 11, 2014

After a year-long teaching career at West Linn High School, Josh Winicki, mathematics teacher, announced that he has taken a new position at Woodrow Wilson High School in Southwest Portland. He will remain...

Traffic signs were installed prior to the school year's opening to mark the newly installed students loading and unloading zones. Three sections around the school have been repainted in order to prevent future traffic accidents.

Parking areas converted to pick-up and drop-off zones

Camille Collier, Editor-in-Chief
September 5, 2014

Students who are not able to park in the Senior or Tripp lots were confused Wednesday to find that the parking zones directly in front of the Weight Room and Newlife Ministry were closed. These zones were...

WLHS offers emotional closure, alters finals in response to recent deaths

WLHS offers emotional closure, alters finals in response to recent deaths

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
June 11, 2014

Slips of white cardstock loosely attached to segments of magenta ribbon enshrouded three tables in the library’s media center yesterday morning across from a row of black leather couches.  Students...

Why you should stop complaining about taxes and look at the federal budget

Why you should stop complaining about taxes and look at the federal budget

Meredith Bowers, Copy Editor
June 9, 2014

Most Americans are very well familiar with our country’s creation: “no taxation without representation” (among other issues).  Taxes and tariffs have always been topics that cause much controversy...

Tripp Lot parking becomes available for current students starting Wednesday

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
June 2, 2014

Because Class of 2014 students require their spots in the Senior and Tripp lots through Graduation, and because of upcoming construction on the football field, juniors and underclassmen must wait until...

Wedding bells chime major victory for LGBT+ community in Oregon

Wedding bells chime major victory for LGBT+ community in Oregon

Meredith Bowers, Copy Editor
May 20, 2014

Judge Michael McShane of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon changed the tide for same-sex couples in Oregon on May 19, 2014 when he ruled that Oregon’s voter-approved 2004 initiative...

Ellie Goulding dazzles at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on April 22. Goulding put on a mesmerizing performance that kept the audience on their feet throughout the show.

Ellie Goulding dazzles at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall on April 22. Goulding put on a mesmerizing performance that kept the audience on their feet throughout the show.

Absorption awaits all in attendance

Camille Collier
April 18, 2014

Though it was released last year, “Alpaca Evolution,” a game available to iOS and Android devices, has just now found an official residence in West Linn High School.  Yesterday, members of the Alpaca...

Mark Martens, assistant principal, ends service at WLHS in June

Mark Martens, assistant principal, ends service at WLHS in June

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
March 11, 2014

After a five-year service as assistant principal, Mark Martens plans to vacate his position in June. Martens will become the assistant principal at Canby High School, which is closer to his home than to...

Winter Spirit Week premieres next week

Winter Spirit Week premieres next week

Nicole Joerger and Meredith Bowers
March 7, 2014

A winter spirit week has been added to the week of March 10-14 by the Associated Student Body. Sarah McKay, sophomore ASB officer, would like everyone to participate because according to McKay, the week...

Seventeen Leadership students attend national conference in D.C., share ideas with other high school students

Seventeen Leadership students attend national conference in D.C., share ideas with other high school students

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
February 18, 2014

Just as world leaders commune at the nation capital to converse hot topics,West Linn High School leadership students joined many other learners in Washington, D.C. for a series of general and breakout...

“The Love for Three Oranges” shows at the WLHS auditorium Feb. 20-22

“The Love for Three Oranges” shows at the WLHS auditorium Feb. 20-22

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
February 13, 2014

Because of recent frigid temperatures and a considerable expanse of snow, the opening night for West Linn High School’s production of “the Love for Three Oranges” has been postponed until tonight...

Ultimate Frisbee is introduced to WLHS by a small association of students

Ultimate Frisbee is introduced to WLHS by a small association of students

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 31, 2014

Track, tennis and lacrosse are among the official team sports at West Linn High School.  A small community of students and teachers have established an unofficial Ultimate Frisbee club, the first of its...

(From left): Jake Oswald, Neil Yotsuya and Zachary Knight, freshmen, study biology concepts.  They were receiving study help in preparation for finals as a part the COCOA and CRAM event.

COCOA and CRAM gives freshmen help for finals

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 17, 2014

As the first semester of the school year draws to a close, freshman are faced with their first set of semester finals. To aid the transition into finals and direct freshmen in their studies, the Freshman...

National Guard visits WLHS with obstacle course, pugil-sticking platform and 50-foot rock wall to encourage fitness

National Guard visits WLHS with obstacle course, pugil-sticking platform and 50-foot rock wall to encourage fitness

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 16, 2014

In order to promote the National Guard and physical activity, the NG visited West Linn High School today to provide to provide a day of rock-climbing, pugil-sticking and ball-throwing to students of Wellness...

(From left): Hunter Bosson, senior, and Alec Teich, junior, await round two of parliamentary debate at the Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational.  15 members from West Linn competed at the two-day tournament, and six broke to “out-rounds” where they received semi-finalist or finalist distinction.

Speech and Debate Team secures six semifinalist and finalists at Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 14, 2014

Pacific University hosted 30 Speech and Debate teams from separate schools on Jan. 10 and Jan. 11 during the annual Hap Hingston Forensics Invitational . T.he tournament earned student speakers from West...

Madi Mills, senior, purchases materials for the upcoming Benny Carnival.  The event will feature carnival-themed activities and service local families, especially those with a disabled individual.

WLHS leadership classes sketch out blueprints for upcoming Benny Carnival benefit

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 14, 2014

As the “Bucks for Benny” campaign is introduced to West Linn High School’s student body, an upcoming Apr. 5 event meant to benefit Benny Hartley is pieced together.  This benefit, labeled by leadership...

Hannah MacLaughlin, freshman, ensnared in Northeastern Arctic vortex

Hannah MacLaughlin, freshman, ensnared in Northeastern Arctic vortex

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
January 7, 2014

Flights in and out of Portland International Airport have been cancelled and delayed due to the record breaking Arctic vortex which is causing sub-zero temperatures and whiteout blizzard conditions. Hannah...


[Photo] Oh My Lorde

Julia Mogen, Staff writer
December 17, 2013

WLHS awaits accreditation by Advanced Ed

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
December 4, 2013

Papers have piled, passed and shuffled across administration desks in West Linn High School as it nears its accreditation date.  Accreditation, a process conducted by the organization Advanced Ed, evaluates...

Safe driving in icy conditions requires planning beforehand

Safe driving in icy conditions requires planning beforehand

Camille Collier, Current Events Editor
November 13, 2013

Sliding, skidding and spinning out are three amplified risks in winter weather— especially in West Linn, where hills present an added safety challenge.  By being a defensive driver and taking some basic...

Camille Collier
October 23, 2013

Students may have noticed changes in the building at West Linn High School, such as the glass walls enclosing the F-lab, there are also changes that have been made outside of the main building. On the...

Tumblr isn’t your average blogging website

Tumblr isn’t your average blogging website

Meredith Bowers
October 23, 2013

When you think of online youth subculture you often imagine a mindless waste of time. It is mostly true of places such as Facebook and Twitter, social networks where the most popular things to do are look...

Queer terms need to be understood by the general public

Queer terms need to be understood by the general public

Meredith Bowers
October 22, 2013

With National Coming Out Day celebrated last Friday, it is important to understand what people can come out as. Most people know the basic terms: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. But there is a...

"Pink Week," the first WLHS fundraiser of the year, lifts off the ground

“Pink Week,” the first WLHS fundraiser of the year, lifts off the ground

Camille Collier
October 21, 2013

Pink now adorns the halls of West Linn High School as the school’s annual Breast Cancer Awareness campaign shifts into full gear.  From Oct. 21 through Oct. 25, Leadership 2 classes will raise funds...

WL police acquire a new home after years of planning and measures

WL police acquire a new home after years of planning and measures

Meredith Bowers
October 4, 2013

Construction is underway for a new WL police station. A new building was deemed necessary by the city in 2011 due to asbestos in the old structure, built in 1936, as well as being seismically unstable. The...

WLWV School District converts to Schoolwires-run websites

WLWV School District converts to Schoolwires-run websites

Camille Collier
October 4, 2013

Between the past school year and the current, West Linn High School’s website has been altered and transferred to a different system.  Not only is the new look different, but the look is  uniform across...

WLHS’ Gay-Straight Alliance welcomes all students to a safe environment

WLHS’ Gay-Straight Alliance welcomes all students to a safe environment

Meredith Bowers
September 30, 2013

A WLHS club had over 40 students attend in its second meeting of the school year. Unknown to many, Gay-Straight Alliance provides a space where students can be themselves in a completely positive environment....

Common Core standards are integrated into WLHS curriculum

Camille Collier
June 14, 2013

As several other countries make staggering leaps in education far beyond America, educators have come together to draft a new educational system that may make American students eligible for competition...

Lynn Pass honored with Oregon Art Educator of the Year Award

Lynn Pass honored with Oregon Art Educator of the Year Award

Meredith Bowers
June 14, 2013

Appropriate for the her last year of teaching before her retirement, Lynn Pass, fine arts teacher, has been awarded the Oregon Art Educator of the Year Award for the 2013-2014 school year. Given by the...

APUSH classes display a WWII museum of “living history”

Camille Collier
June 10, 2013

The American experience during the Second World War was brought to West Linn High School on June 5 as a production from three Advanced Placement United States History classes.  The “Living History”...

Students honored at WLHS Evening of Excellence

Meredith Bowers
June 3, 2013

Scholarship recipients, curricular area recipients and honor graduates were all honored Thursday night at the annual WLHS Evening of Excellence. The event highlighted four different areas of achievement:...

Marina and the Diamonds puts fans in a state of dreaming

Marina and the Diamonds puts fans in a state of dreaming

Meredith Bowers
May 14, 2013

The air was hot and dry on May 4, but to the fans of Marina and the Diamonds, waiting for six hours in the heat was worth it.The Wonder Ballroom’s doors opened at 8 p.m. and the concert started at 9...

“42” shows the struggle of the first African American baseball player

Camille Collier
April 25, 2013

The defeat of fascism in Germany did not mean the defeat of racism at home when American soldiers returned home from World War II.  This is the background is emphasized during “42,” a story documenting...

Symphonic Choir moves on to state after successful performance at Three Rivers League Choir Festival

Symphonic Choir moves on to state after successful performance at Three Rivers League Choir Festival

Meredith Bowers
April 10, 2013

After Wednesday’s TRL Choir Festival, the WLHS Symphonic Choir is moving on to state. The team competed at Clackamas High School with an 18-minute set in which they scored an 86 average (83 was needed...

Local trips that give a taste of spring

Meredith Bowers
March 11, 2013

For those who plan their vacations late, or simply don’t know where to go, there are still many options in Oregon and Washington. Oregon beaches are still chilly during the spring, and sometimes cloudy,...

Pink Martini celebrates New Years at the Schnitz

Pink Martini celebrates New Years at the Schnitz

Meredith Bowers
January 23, 2013

The orchestral music flowed throughout the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland. On New Years Eve, Pink Martini, a local band with international ties, took the stage. The audience greeted the self-described...

Reconstruction after WLHS October fire topples $3 million

Camille Collier
January 15, 2013

The absence of construction workers in the back of West Linn High School is the most visible sign construction has drawn to a close.  These areas, which were affected by invasive fire and the water used...

Harry Potter convention coming to Portland in 2013

Harry Potter convention coming to Portland in 2013

Meredith Bowers
December 11, 2012

Harry Potter fans from all around the world will convene in Portland at the Oregon Convention Center on June 27-30 for the popular Harry Potter convention, LeakyCon. Along with the Portland LeakyCon, there...

WLWV school districts assumes planning to finance fire repairs

Camille Collier
October 19, 2012

Following last Monday’s fire at West Linn High School rumors flew. One of which concerns a lawsuit against the welding company by the West Linn-Wilsonville School District.  Lou Bailey, principal, dismisses...

WLHS freshmen are invited into AP program

Camille Collier
October 16, 2012

Advanced Placement preparation courses have, until recently, been reserved to select students at West Linn High School.  Now the program has been broadened to include students in all grade levels.  Nearly...

West Linn junior takes a year's step ahead—into college

West Linn junior takes a year’s step ahead—into college

Camille Collier
June 8, 2012

A sudden leap from junior year of high school to freshman year of college only happens with a select few students nationwide, according to USA Today. For one high school student, Kulu Maphalala, junior,...

“Green and Gold” earns national recognition.

Camille Collier
May 7, 2012

When a pivotal mistake was made in the publishing of last year's West Linn High School yearbook, the swift efforts to correct it became a nationally recognized success. Last year's Green & Gold yearbook...

Pink slime seeps into one of America’s favorite foods

Camille Collier
April 26, 2012

Gooey, pink and sprayed with ammonia gas­­-- these, believe it or not,  are elements that constitute part of a good meal to many Americans. A substance found in 70 percent of beef sold at supermarkets...

Lions Helping Lions: West Linn aids lions in Africa

Camille Collier
April 24, 2012

West Linn Lions are thriving—in the classroom, in activities and athletics-as well as within the community. The story for lions in African countries such as Kenya, is dramatically different. Lions Helping...

Trip to Spain excites staff and encourages students

Camille Collier
March 16, 2012

Spain is said to be a jewel in the ring of the Mediterranean. For  up to 15 students and Spanish teacher Mary Klick, there is an opportunity to travel to six cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Málaga...

"Act of Valor" brings laughs, cheers and tears but lacks complete realism

“Act of Valor” brings laughs, cheers and tears but lacks complete realism

Meredith Bowers
March 5, 2012

With live ammunition and heart-stopping explosions, "Act of Valor” leaves viewers feeling immense respect for the Navy’s special operations sailors, Navy SEALs (Sea, Air, and Land), that defend our...

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Camille Collier